Way to go - did my own little witnessing campaign this morning too
A not-so-silent lamb
Aspire to inspire before you expire
last night i printed out an announcement about the nbc dateline show, and a silentlambs tri-fold flyer off the website.. armed with these flyers, my motorcyle .
i went on my "mission" this morning, to hit as many windshields in the local lincoln, rhode island, and pawtucket, rhode island parking lot as possible.. i managed to hit about 20, before i noticed one of the elders driving up, i was on the street at this point, and i recognized him, and he kept taking double takes at me.
(it was norman barone, for those of you locals who might know him.
got my bag yup.
got my bible - nope.
got my wt and awake!s nope.
I'm baaaack
what a blast
I started out at the KH near my place - people were just leaving so I did a few homes near the KH and headed for greener pasters. My tlelphone book says we have a Jehovah's Witness Centre. I think Hmmmm the assembly hall right? Will get them there - lots of place to move around - lots of washrooms - Hmmmmm problem it is just a hall - now what exactly is the difference? Anyone? Well by the time I got there they were leaving too to I did the same - hit some doors and cars in the area.
Back to the first hall and luck was on my side - yup luck cause they don't believe in it
I waited til all the bro went in and then followed them. Found a seat and actually listened to the talk - get this - on being slaves - was so hard not to burst out laughing - had to bite my tongue
Well I listened and watched - man do those people look bored. Some slept - others fidgeted - oh and these were the adult - the kids were trained to be little robots. One woman started giving herself a back rub - guess the chair and the talk was getting to her.
I sat there and wondered what they would do knowing a real live apostate was sitting in their midst. Then the speaker started talking about the weeds and the wheat and how Satan sows the weeds. Thought for sure he was going to warn them about the weeds like Bill Bowen but no he talked about Christendom.
Well I sat and took notes for a new thread for later and then headed off to the washroom. Should have picked my time a little better. One woman was there so I went into the stall and left a few cards on the tiolet seat. As I was leaving I taped 2 cards to the mirror before anyone came around and headed out the door.
One final stop - the parking lot on the cars around the cars - strewn with the cards that I had left - the front lawn and the street in front of the hall
and zoom back home
Oh what a feeling
A not-so-silent lamb
Aspire to inspire before you expire
pedophilia is the worst form of sexism.. i think if you look at the individuals that commit these deviant acts.. i think we will find that sexism is underlying it.. .
join the watchtower or you will die.. only jehovah's witnesses have the truth all other religions evil and from the devil.. you must beleive the watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really good news?.
I'm not sure about it being about sexism. If it were then it would explain why many pedophiles stalk boys as well as or instead of girls. As research shows that most pedophiles who abuse boys are not homosexual so that doesn't explain it either.
What does explain it is lack of empathy, lack of conscience, a need for control, a need for secrecy that escalates the sexual attraction, a difficulty in responding on an adult level to peers, - basically a sickness that goes far beyond sexism. I know an awful lot of sexixts who would never consider touching a child - that answer is too simple and I think too wrong
A not-so-silent lamb
Aspire to inspire before you expire
upon arriving at the motel thursday night and trying to find other posters by their handles, we connected up with those already there.
(do you know what funny looks you get when asking for peoples rooms on the basis of only their first name and where they are from?
the clerks didnt understand about our jwd names.
awesome absolutely awesome
to think I have waited for 38 years to really roar
thank you to those who went
Joy thank you for the hug you gave that poor woman
thank you to Bill and his family and Barbara and everyone else
Gotta go get another box of kleenex
A not-so-silent lamb
Aspire to inspire before you expire
i left the jws over 17 years ago.
when i left i thought the org was right but the people were wrong.
she was not warned that he was physically abusive to his children.
somebody - glad that it helps you understand it better - keep reading what all the wonderful people here have to say - there is a lot of wisdom behind the healing here
deddaisy - yes there was a long period where I hung my head in shame but for the last few years I have been quite vocal about my experiences and have spoken out publically many times - not on the scale that Bill is doing with silent lambs but just doin my own thing
(((HUGS))) right back at ya jst2laws
silentlambs - what can I say. Although I have been speaking out for the last 5 or 6 years most of that has been local - just little ripples on the pond. It is wonderful to see the wave that you are on. It is about time. Thank you for your efforts to bring this tragedy to the forefront in a way that no one else has been able to do. You are not alone in this. The silentlambs are awakening and are no longer willing to reamin as silent lambs. You are helping them to find their voices. I suspect it will be a mighty voice indeed.
A not-so-silent lamb
Aspire to inspire before you expire
got my bag yup.
got my bible - nope.
got my wt and awake!s nope.
got my bag yup.
got my bible - nope.
got my wt and awake!s nope.
got my bag yup
got my bible - nope
got my WT and Awake!s nope
got my WT literature nope not that either
But I have something even better
my cards
Jehovah's Witnesses and Dateline
TUESDAY, MAY 28 - 9:00 PM ET
Dateline NBC investigates allegations that Watchtower organization and Jehovah’s Witness members have covered up cases of child molestation in the Church. Dateline Correspondent John Larson talked to former and current Jehovah’s Witnesses who say that Church elders protected the alleged molesters and kept secrets that might have put children at risk.
Planning to hit all the houses and cars near the local KH
See ya'll soon - might even drop in on the KH
A not-so-silent lamb
Aspire to inspire before you expire
i'm gonna go for the direct approach here.
it's kind of strange to identify yourself as an ex- anything, to define yourself using a former identity as a point of reference, one that is no longer.
in some cases you might use it to clarify your relationship, (i'm jane's ex-husband, or whatever) but again it gets weird.. i mean we don't think of ourselves as ex-kindergarteners or something do we?
I have been in many life-defining experiences. They define me in different ways but they are not the sum of who I am.
I am a university graduate - a happy one. In education we focus on the accomplishment
I am divirced - I am somebody's ex but I only define identify myself as such when needed. It certainly doesn't define all of who I am - especially since I am remarried now. But in the beginning it was very important.
I was a victim of childhood abuse. For a while when I was going through therapy this is about the only way I identified myself. Recovery and abuse overwhelmed my life. But it was a stage I needed to go through to come out as a survivor. Then for a while I was a survivor of abuse. I needed the label to define an important phase of life I had passed through. Now I only use the term in specific situation. It does not define all of who I am although at one time I felt like it did.
I am an ex-JW. Same thing goes here. People are ex-JWs for different reasons. The walk-aways may not feel the intense need for the self-identification as a person who was DFed and traumatized by the borg. Part of the healing process is to identify what is wrong. In my case identifying myself as an ex-JW helps me process a traumatic experience. In here it helps me distinguish myself as different from those who never were JWs and who still are JWs. In everyday life I only use the term when needed for specific situations. It certainly does not define all of who I am.
I think too that for many the need for a frame of reference - where I was and where I am now - is important in defining where they are in the stream of life in any given situation. At the moment the silent lambs issue is very important to me. So being an ex_jw is an important way I will define myself. It will always be a part of me but certainly won't be on the front burner as it is now.
A not-so-silent lamb
Aspire to inspire before you expire
i left the jws over 17 years ago.
when i left i thought the org was right but the people were wrong.
she was not warned that he was physically abusive to his children.
Thanks for your comments.
When I started working in the field of abuse and connecting it to the way the org works I was surpried and then really not surprised at all at the similarities in the dysfunctions exhibited by both. Dysfunction exists on all levels of society and the borg proves over and over just how dysfunctional it is
A not-so-silent lamb
Aspire to inspire before you expire
perhaps i could have put this in the "apostofest" thread, but i didnt want it to get buried and unread.. a load of melbourne ex witnesses rolled around to my house yesterday for an "apostofest" bbq.. i must admit i was a bit..apprehensive.
fact was, i didnt know any of them.. total strangers really.. would things be strained?
would people have nothing to say to each other?would it, in fact be an embarrassment?.
I had the opportunity to meet several ex-jws when I was still in Montreal. I would have to say that they were all decent, kind, considerate human beings - not the depraved fools that the WT would have us believe.
Hmm maybe that is why they left - they were decent, kind, considerate human beings
A not-so-silent lamb
Aspire to inspire before you expire